LatinRiteMass.net aims to be another source for locating a Traditional Latin Mass, ( also known as the Tridentine Mass). Traditional Latin Mass locations, TLM Locations, Tridentine Mass, Mass times all over the world. Locations for Diocesan, SSPX, FSSP , SSPV, ICKSP, IGS and Independent.
Please note, all Catholics baptized in the Latin Rite are under obligation to attend the Traditional Latin Mass by obedience to the Papal Bull 'Quo Primum' by Pope Pius V in 1570. Make no distinction between where you attend the Traditional Latin Mass, for the validity of the Mass is not determined by the politics of a Religious Order, or the Bishop or a Priest! Every valid Mass is Valid, the requirements are simple, a validly ordained Priest with the intention to do what the Church does. The validity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not dependent on the holiness of the Priest or the politics of the Order, if that was the case, there would be no valid Masses. Where ever you can find a Traditional Latin Mass, go, don't let anyone tell you differently! No Priest, No Bishop or even a Pope can forbid you from attending the Traditional Latin Mass, know your Faith, know your rights, read Quo Primum!